Learn to breathe optimally to focus and recover in a practical way.
This 14 day Breathwork Challenge will teach you quick and powerful techniques you can use anytime and anywhere to improve your well-being.
Used by top athletes, performers, and emergency personnel, these practices help manage stress and speed up recovery.
The challenge is self-paced and includes a Live workout and Q&A session.
Begin your journey to better breathing today!
Free, Limited spaces so book early to secure your spot. Beginning Monday 27th January 2025:
By checking this you agree to be contacted via the methods above about my services. I will NEVER share your information with others.
A Frontline Professional
Feeling overworked and under recovered
Under time pressure
Struggling with relaxing
Looking to reduce anxiety & stress le
Wanting to improve your focus, sleep and energy
Why listen to me on this?
I'm Peter
I have worked as a Mental Health Occupational Therapist for 23 yrs. Mid way through my career I started to struggle initially with stress & then insomnia. I got to the point where exercise & holidays no longer was enough and a bigger change was needed.
Although I studied and was qualified to do my job I wasn't equipped with the skills of how to manage my own mind when under pressure in very challenging and emotionally demanding environments.
Over the next 10 years I pursued & studied skillsets designed to support professionals preform, recover & stay well in high pressured roles.
This included additional training in
Breathwork with Oxygen Advantage. Acceptance & Commitment Therapy (ACT)Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR)Functional Imagery Training (FIT)Mindfulness Sports Performance Enhancement (MSPE).
These are all helpful skills that start with the basics e. g. breathing & focus as a way of getting to know our minds, how we relate to our work and being human.
I would love to help you build Breathwork into your daily practice to support you do what matters with less stress.
You may have some doubts.
Why Breathwork?
When life gets difficult the one resource that is always available is our breath. If our breath is off it will impact on our focus and quality of our thoughts.
When we breath more optimally we can access more of our brain to think & act more flexibly.
The issues I have are bigger than breathing
The real issues I have are my workload & pay conditions.
We agree and feel that systematic changes are needed across many sectors.
In the meantime we can start breathing optimally to cope &
recover better.
My Breathing is fine!
How do you know?
We breathe habitually & may not fully appreciate how we breathe during a busy day or a stressful moment?
Just ask a free diver or elite emergency personnel in life & death situations how they use breathwork to manage their stress & recovery. Many of us under appreciate its full potential.